Sarah Knafo Mari. Sarah Knafo est une éminente fonctionnaire française née à Pavillons-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) en 1993. Elle est conseillère politique d’Éric Zemmour et magistrate à la Cour des comptes. Sarah Knafo est née en 1993 aux Pavillons-sous-Bois 1 et 2. Elle est issue d’une famille juive séfarade en Algérie. Trois.
Sarah Knafo was born in Pavillons-sous-Bois, France, on April 24, 1993, and is a senior French government worker (Seine-Saint-Denis). She became a magistrate in the Court of Accounts in 2019 after graduating from Sciences Po Paris and ENA. To assist Éric Zemmour’s presidential candidacy in 2022, she has been granted a leave of absence from her official duties in the government.
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Sarah Knafo was born in Pavillons-sous-Bois in 1993, the daughter of Sephardic Jews from Algeria. Its Moroccan Jewish ancestors fled to France in the wake of the Six-Day War in 1967. Her mother is hypnotherapy, her father is a businessman, and Cindy Knafo, her sister, is a fashion photographer. They all come from creative families. He was born in 1997 and died last year. After moving to Paris at the age of 18, Sarah Knafo became a resident of Saint-Germain-des-Prés. After graduating from the Lycée de l’Alliance (a private Jewish school contracted by the network of the Universal Israelite Alliance), Sarah Knafo went on to study at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2016, she said, “I am a Jew, but I feel like I belong to a Christian community.” — Charles Péguy is as significant to me as the Torah.” Lycée Turgot preparatory economics, quantitative methods, and management course, but she failed the entrance test for the D2 economics-management department of the École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay. Eventually, in 2013, she was enrolled in the master’s program in public affairs at the Paris Institute of Political Studies. An economics and political science double major from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University was completed in 2014. She began taking evening studies at the Cours Cochet-Delavene at twenty.

Sarah Knafo est diplômée de l’Alliance High School, une institution juive privée sous contrat affiliée au réseau Alliance Israelite Universelle, en 2011. (4) “Je suis de religion juive, mais je me sens de culture chrétienne”, a-t-elle déclaré en 2016. Charles Péguy est pour moi aussi significatif que la Torah. » 5. Elle a terminé un cours préparatoire en économie, techniques quantitatives et gestion au lycée Turgot, mais a échoué au concours d’entrée à l’École normale supérieure Paris-D2 Saclay, département d’économie-gestion. 6. En 2013, elle est admise à l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris où elle poursuit une maîtrise en affaires publiques.Elle est également diplômée de l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne avec un double diplôme en sciences économiques et politiques en 2014 7. Elle a suivi des cours du soir au cours Cochet-Delavene alors qu’elle était dans la vingtaine 8. Sarah Knafo a été admise au test d’entrée à l’École nationale d’administration (ENA) en 2017, à la suite d’un premier essai 9, incor por la promotion Molière (2018-2019) 10.Eric Zemmour a répondu sur les réseaux sociaux lorsque la Une de Closer a fait état de la prétendue grossesse de sa conseillère Sarah Knafo. Le « voyeurisme » des « pervers » est dénoncé par le quasi-candidat à l’Elysée.

Un nouveau chapitre de la lutte d’Eric Zemmour avec la presse s’ouvre. Après son agression contre Paris Match il y a quelques semaines, le prétendant quasi présidentiel porte désormais plainte contre Closer. La raison en est ce qu’il qualifie d’atteinte à sa vie privée en couverture de l’édition de ce vendredi, lorsque l’hebdomadaire révèle la grossesse présumée de sa très proche conseillère Sarah Knafo.
Sarah Knafo Mari

Il ne lui a pas fallu longtemps pour former sa première réaction : « Quoi qu’il arrive, partout et partout, je protégerai avec zèle et véhémence ma vie privée et celle de ma famille », a déclaré Eric Zemmour sur les réseaux sociaux avant d’enchaîner les discours : « “Oui, la vie publique. Non, ce n’est pas du voyeurisme. Veuillez accepter mes excuses pour les pervers”, conclut le mari de Mylène Chichportich, qui est sur le point d’annoncer sa candidature à la présidentielle pour 2022.
Après sa Une avec Sarah Knafo, Eric Zemmour va “charger” de plus près.

Son avocat avait déjà indiqué qu’il voulait « inculper » Closer. “C’est une femme en disgrâce, méchante, sale qui a été réprimandée publiquement. Sur BFM TV vendredi, je serai Olivier Pardo, l’invité de Bruce Toussaint. Ils le font pour gagner de l’argent en vendant du papier… Alors, si mon client va bien, je vais le gifler avec une facture. Parce que c’est là qu’est la douleur. Et je vais gagner parce que c’est une atteinte manifeste à la vie privée. Rien ne pourrait éventuellement le justifier “, a affirmé le conseiller du polémiste. , qui s’est battu en vain pour faire interdire le journal par la justice. Sarah Knafo est également susceptible de déposer une plainte concernant la vie privée.
‘Sarah Knafo’ is Eric Zemmour’s official declaration that she is his companion?

“My co-worker and friend.” On BFMTV on Wednesday night, Éric Zemmour confirmed the claims of the people press and Paris Match that he was having an affair with his campaign advisor. Last September, the magazine made headlines when it published an image of a polemicist hugging a young lady he described as a “very close advisor” as he was naked in the water. Face to BFM co-host Bruce Toussaint poses this question to presidential candidate Mylène Chichportich, to whom he’s been married since 1982 and advocates for the traditional family. This is my coworker; this is my sidekick. Because of Sarah Knafo’s delay, the campaign wouldn’t have happened. Éric Zemmour emphasizes the significance of Sarah Knafo’s advent into politics beyond their connection. Although the brand does not occupy an official role in the campaign, the candidate 35 years older is ubiquitous in his shadow. Sarah Knafo’s father, a longtime friend of Eric Zemmour’s, introduced the two in 2007, according to Étienne Girard, the author of Eric Zemmour’s unofficial biography “Le Radicalisé.” A genuine sense of mutual appreciation develops throughout the preparation sessions for the Grands Ecoles competition. When Sarah Knafo suggested that the polemicist attends the right-wing convention on September 28, 2019, it was her idea. As a prominent novelist, he had made his first genuine entry into politics with the speech he delivered at the time. He was mimicking the Palace of Versailles. Once again, Sarah Knafo organized the first gathering of supporters of any presidential contender in her house on rue des Saints-Pères, a few feet from Sciences-Po. Éric Zemmour’s campaign has continued to benefit from his efforts as an intermediary.
Who are Éric Zemmour and Sarah Knafo, and how did they become friends?

A pair are aiming to gain influence. Sarah Knafo accompanied Éric Zemmour to the polls in Paris on Sunday, April 10, to cast his ballot in the first round of the election for president. People who know this individual well say that they hadn’t seen them since before the campaign began. These two aren’t your run-of-the-mill coworkers. Éric Zemmour and Sarah Knafo made their romance official in January of this year after months of speculation. The young lady initially contacted the polemicist because of her family background. EXPRESS journalist Etienne Girard published a book on Éric Zemmour in October 2021. They met at the tender age of 13, and the journalist described Sarah Knafo as an essential part of her achievement. As we learn in the novel, Eric’s father is a close personal friend of his father’s. The Knafo and the Zemmour would have had a Berber village ancestry before splitting them into separate groups. The polemicist also claims this identification, referring to himself as a “Berber Jew” rather than an “Arab Jew”… Families eventually relocated to nearby Montreuil and Pavillons-sous-Bois, where children like Éric Zemmour and Sarah Knafo were born decades later. This close family friend now serves as a role model for the bright, well-educated, and aspirational young lady, who can relate to his sense of self-identity because of their shared upbringing. For the far right, the “feeling of being replaced twice, in the Maghreb and the 93,” sums up Sarah Knafo, her political mentor Henri Guarino tells Le Monde. When Sarah Knafo was a teenager, Éric Zemmour took her under his wing and helped her get into Science Po. Following in the footsteps of her future high-ranking client, the young lady started to demonstrate her political views when she enrolled at this elite institution in 2014.
Is Éric Zemmour a mentor now that he’s become a close family friend?

She joined the UNI, a right-wing student union. A few years later, she invited Éric Zemmour to the UNI’s 50th-anniversary “convergence” day and the conservative school “Critique of European Reason” association. Student sovereignists from all sides of the political spectrum are encouraged to attend these meetings. People like Henri Guaino and Jean-Pierre Chevènement and Hubert Védrine and Marie-France Garaud and Alain Finkielkraut were in attendance. The school’s administration subsequently revoked Éric Zemmour’s invitation, sent through Sarah Knafo. When she needs to prepare for the ENA competition following Sciences-Po, it is a family friend that assists her. Her love of literature (the head of an organization called Alexander and Aristotle that provides readers with individualized reading recommendations) and their shared sense of self-identity unite them. However, their discussion may have gone differently if the newspaper Liberation, which performed the inquiry, had been there. When Sarah Knafo met Éric Zemmour, a columnist for We are not lying; she was a high school student. To honor her, she would have brought a book from the columnist on the set of the program. Once Sarah Knafo returned to the show’s audience, she would have listened intently to the person who would eventually serve as her mentor. According to Liberation, however, no one has acknowledged or disputed the young lady’s appearance in public, and there was no official record of her existence. She explains in Alexandre Devecchio’s Les Nouveaux Enfants du siècle (ed. du Cerf) that she sees herself in Eric Zemmour’s “assimilation journey” and “in his detachment from Jewish identity.” “I am of the Jewish faith, but I feel like a Christian,” she says. “At home Charles Péguy is just as significant as the Torah,” her new guru says of an author she references to prove her point. According to our colleagues at Le Monde, since February 2021, she “steers pro-Zemmour initiatives from February, filters recruitment, puts volunteers in contact, builds the media plan, distils the official story to journalists…” She has been increasingly in the footsteps of Éric Zemmour since the end of November 2019. The magistrate of the Court of Auditors, which she had held since leaving ENA in 2019, was her last duty before she had to step down. As much as she would have preferred, the family friend turned campaign manager doesn’t leave Eric Zemmour until she publicly corrects him when the putative candidate stirs up yet another issue. She shares his life with him until then.